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Showing posts from January, 2007

100 Things (1-10) & Marble Arches

Thanks for all the nice comments about Beau! Again, I'm sorry I haven't email you all personally. I'm still not getting email addresses in my comments. Anyone know how to fix it? The change coincided with my move to the new blogger - could it be a change in the settings? Anyway, we've got another FO in these parts... MARBLE ARCHES Pattern. Marble Arches by Sandi for BMFA Yarn. Pink Granite Medium Weight - special for Rockin ' Sock Club Size. Medium Needles. Size 1, Addi Turbos Started. 11/6/06 ish Finished. 1.17.07. I twisted the cast on of the first sock and then reknit the foot of the first sock, which added some time. Mods. Knit a heel flap rather than short rows. I tried the short rows first, but when you could fit a finger through some of those holes, I ripped back (I made this decision *after* I completed the rest of the sock. For some reason the entire foot was too tight and just looked ugly. I probably would have sucked it up and dealt with the h...

Beau: Finished

BEAU This has been finished for a few weeks and already sported in three states! Pattern. Beau by Kim Hargreaves Source. Rowan Vintage Style Yarn. 5 and them some balls Rowan Yorkshire Tweed in Husk from here Needles. Size 6 and 8 Addi Turbos Buttons. Random ones from my mom's stash (I bought some, left them at home - I finished this at my parents' house) Size. Small Dates Knitted. November 12 to December 25 (talk about cutting it close!) Mods. Nada. (well, I think the wrong sides of the front and back are now the right sides, but you couldn't tell, could you?) This was a great pattern and I was flying through for a while on those big needles and thick yarn. I put it down for a few days and had a hard time picking it back up. It's not the most exciting project and guy sweaters are huge! The sweater has a rustic flair and the tweediness and color of the yarn makes it resemble hemp. J compared it to the drug rug he wore in HS (don't judge! you know what I...

Pirates and Resolutions

Thanks for all the kind comments on the weekender! I've tried to email everyone personally, but all emails are showing up as "noreply." In any case - thanks! I know I'm a couple days behind New Years for this, but I've been whittling down my resolutions for the upcoming year. So, here are my five knitterly resolutions for '07. 1. Get comfy with making my own mods for a better fit. 2. Only make projects that I know I will wear. 3. Make a fair isle sweater - perhaps a Dale... 4. Do a little designing of my own. 5. Be a better blogger! And just for kicks, a few non-knitting related resolutions: 1. Keep challenging myself with sewing, I'm seeing some quilting in the near future. 2. Stay consistent with running - maybe another marathon? 3. Keep in better touch with my friends! (I say this every year). Okay, that's all the housekeeping for today. Now onto a finished object from (gasp!) last year. WE CALL THEM PIRATES (fluff courtesy of 50% Alpaca) ARrrrr!!...

Done: Weekender Bag

Happy 2007! I hope you all had a good time ringing in the new year. I have some lofty goals for this upcoming year and some musings on last year, but that's for another post because-- Finally! (the top looks kind of bumpy. I think it looks crisper when I'm holding it.) Pattern. Weekender Bag by Amy Butler Exterior Fabric. Amy Butler, Sunbloom Collection Cording Fabric. Amy Bulter, Charm Collection Lining. Khaki Fabric from Joann's I relied a lot on the tips from other bloggers who made this bag and wanted to give something back to the blogging community, so here are my.... 10 THOUGHTS & TIPS ON THE WEEKENDER 1. Dominating the cording. As the layers increased in the sewing, keeping the cording sandwiched in place became challenging. I had the best luck pinning the fabric together parallel to the fabric edge, rather than perpendicular. Stopping so often to remove pins got a little annoying, but was better than ripping and resewing. 2. Topstitching = Enemy number 1. I d...