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Beau: Finished


This has been finished for a few weeks and already sported in three states!

Pattern. Beau by Kim Hargreaves Source. Rowan Vintage Style
Yarn. 5 and them some balls Rowan Yorkshire Tweed in Husk from
Needles. Size 6 and 8 Addi Turbos
Buttons. Random ones from my mom's stash (I bought some, left them at home - I finished this at my parents' house)
Size. Small
Dates Knitted. November 12 to December 25 (talk about cutting it close!)

Mods. Nada. (well, I think the wrong sides of the front and back are now the right sides, but you couldn't tell, could you?)

This was a great pattern and I was flying through for a while on those big needles and thick yarn. I put it down for a few days and had a hard time picking it back up. It's not the most exciting project and guy sweaters are huge!

The sweater has a rustic flair and the tweediness and color of the yarn makes it resemble hemp. J compared it to the drug rug he wore in HS (don't judge! you know what I'm talking about!) J loves it, so success! He says it's warm and soft.

The yarn feels scratchy and rubbed my hands raw, but nothing a good wash and block couldn't tackle. The finished product has amazing drape and a soft, yet durable feel. A major yarn upgrade from J's last sweater knit in Lamb's Pride Worsted - that stuff's itc-hy. J didn't like the "little hairs" all over it. When I told him they were mohair, he wanted to know what the hell a mo was. Ha ha. He still tells that joke.

Photos courtesy of New England winter darkness.

And here's an action shot for you! This is Beau (and Patrick) on NYE in DC! Beau's first vacation -- awww!

The yarn is most like the color in this shot. I should have taken more photos in the hotel room!


Already thinking of my next project, I bought some yarn for some Endpaper Mitts and Anemoi Mittens. After going to no less than three stores that carried zero solid color fingering weight yarn (my LYS - by default because of proximity - didn't know which yarn was thickest--dk, sport and fingering -- this is also the yarn store that didn't know who Elizabeth Zimmerman was AND told me that they couldn't search for a color for me while I waited on the phone. Sigh, I miss Boston and its yarn stores aplenty), I ordered these gems (ha ha!) from kpixie.

I'm thinking I'll use the teal and grey (looks more like cream in this pic) for the mittens to achieve a cool, sophisticated look and the orange and cranberry for some fun, happy mitts. My hands are gonna be warm and stylish.


Anonymous said…
Wow Beau came out fantastic! I know guy sweaters are far too big...but that one looks great, like something a guy would really wear.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous? It's Jen (!
Stacey said…
ha ha! love the posed came out great!

louet gems is the best - i would knit almost everything in it if i could!
lobstah said…
Beau came out so awesome, definitely a perfect guy sweater! I'm also loving the colors you picked for the mitts...the cranberry/orange combo is smashing.
Peacock Chic said…
Wow Beau came out great. Love the McDreamy picture!!

The colors for the Eunny gloves and mittens are great. Especially love the teal and the red.
Unknown said…
it look wonderful! great fit and even though it was a bit is the perfect bloke's sweater.
Anonymous said…
Ahhhh - Patrick. So hot. He could make any sweater look good, but I'm thinking that sweater could make any guy look good too. It's a fine-looking manly sweater, and I'm bookmarking it for a future potential project.
Elizabeth said…
Beau looks wonderful, especially on McDreamy. I love the colors you bought for your mitts and mittens - looking forward to seeing those knitted up.
Melissa said…
it looks wonderful! great job!

and shame on you LYS for not knowing the yarn weights and EZ! unbelievable!
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