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Finished Cirque Socks!

Yikes, I knew it's been awhile, but I didn't realize it's been this long! Moving will do that to you, I guess. I'm in awe of all you bloggers who find time to keep up with the blogging schedule during big life events.

We're all moved in finally! It's truly amazing how much time, energy (and money - I should just hand my paychecks directly to the bank and Home Depot). We're still painting and updating, but the house is beginning to feel more and more like home. I'm sure it will feel even more homey when we have furniture! Sleeping on the floor is getting old, especially when you're sleeping face to face with a black lab with dog breath. Oh, and guess what? We have two (two!) peony bushes (plants?)! I'm working on a before / after slideshow thingy in flickr for all you hgtv-types.

anyway, knitting! I finished these socks a good while ago, but have been behind on posting.


Pattern. Just your basic 3x1 rib, top down

Yarn. Sundara Sock in Cirque.

Needles. Size 1 Addis.

Dates Knitted. 4/21 - ?? somewhere around May 18. Everything after that is a blur.

Comments. Not much to say about these socks. They were about as cut and dry as it gets. I could be imagining it, but I swear the pooling isn't as evident in reality. But even if it is, it's cool with me. I started this project just to work with this yarn. The colors are so vibrant, they almost cool each other down when knitted. Does that make sense? anyway, bottom line. Simple socks good. go buy some sundara yarn.
I took about a million pictures (okay, maybe 20, but that's just as ridiculous) of these socks - the color was just impossible to portray properly. So, here's some extras for your viewing pleasure.


Emma said…
Welcome back! The socks are pretty. I like it when they don't match each other, personally!
lobstah said…
I really like the color of that yarn--subtle yet interesting. Sounds like you guys are having fun on the house project--though I can only imagine how much you must be spending. Hope you were able to get rid of the mirrored wallpaper or whatever the heck was in there ;p
pamela wynne said…
Lovely socks -- and glad to hear you're settling in to the new house!
Veronique said…
But home renovating can be so much fun! Don't feel too guilty :)
Stacey said…
Glad to hear you're all moved in! It was like that when we got our house too - we were at Home Depot almost every day!!! The socks are wonderful - so colorful!
Lolly said…
Congratulations on the new house - and that is great about getting settled!

I love the new socks :)
Navi said…
Good to have toy back! I love the color of those socks
Oh, these are so great! Look at you, tempting us with Sundara yarn that is no longer available... don't you love having one-of-a-kind socks?
Cloudberry said…
Great socks!
Have a great weekend :)

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