Happy Halloween! This is J's pumpkin. Mine is too ugly to show. The face only takes up about 1/3 of the pumpkin and I tried to give it hair. I'll just leave it at that.

Before I forget, thanks for all the nice comments about the rock n weave socks! My socks feel so loved!
I still haven't touched the weekender since my last post. I need to get motivated if I want to use it this weekend for my marathon. Speaking of that, check out what I got in the mail this week!

I can't believe race day is only 5 days away!
Back to Amy Butler... have you checked out her site recently? She's preparing to release a new line of fabric as well as some new patterns, finished products and other fun goodies. I'm in love with this bag:

I hope she is selling the pattern and not just finished bags. *Fingers crossed.* That hat is wicked cute, too.
Aside from just plain laziness, Birch has been stealing my focus from the weekender. I was so close to finishing this weekend, but 5 repeats from the end I ran out of yarn. I kind of knew it was coming, but figured I would deal with it when it happened. I'm not worried about using a different dyelot because it would only be for a small fraction of the shawl. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find a ball of KSH in Majestic within thirty miles of my house. I miss Boston and its yarn stores aplenty. Actually, I just miss Boston:( I broke down today and ordered a ball from Webs. Hopefully I'll have the shawl ready to give to my mom this weekend. Might be doing a little hotel room blocking a la Jess.
In my quest for the precious ball of yarn, I've become disenchanted with my new LYS. Upon calling to see if they had the yarn in stock, I was informed that I would have to come in and look myself because there was too much for her to search through. Ummmm, how's that for stellar customer service? Even worse, don't these people keep some sort of inventory? Do they just order more yarn when the cubbies start to look empty? I did go in because this store is too convenient to overlook (it's two blocks from my house). The owner saw me digging through the KSH and asked if I was the girl she spoke with on the phone. So not only was I snubbed on the phone, but by the owner! When I found they didn't have the yarn and after I had mentioned I ran out of yarn towards the end of my project, she suggested a yarn from a different company. I'm weary enough using the same yarn in the same color in a different dye lot, I can't even fathom using a different yarn altogether. I don't know if I'm just being whiny because I'm still yarnless, but I'm used to helpful yarn stores that offer sage advice and viable solutions. If anything, I feel less guilty about buying yarn online now.
Luckily, I got this in the mail yesterday to take some of the pain away. It's the latest BMFA Sock Club shipment and my favorite so far! Look at the argyle-like designs!

Look for some FOs soon!

Before I forget, thanks for all the nice comments about the rock n weave socks! My socks feel so loved!
I still haven't touched the weekender since my last post. I need to get motivated if I want to use it this weekend for my marathon. Speaking of that, check out what I got in the mail this week!

I can't believe race day is only 5 days away!
Back to Amy Butler... have you checked out her site recently? She's preparing to release a new line of fabric as well as some new patterns, finished products and other fun goodies. I'm in love with this bag:

I hope she is selling the pattern and not just finished bags. *Fingers crossed.* That hat is wicked cute, too.
Aside from just plain laziness, Birch has been stealing my focus from the weekender. I was so close to finishing this weekend, but 5 repeats from the end I ran out of yarn. I kind of knew it was coming, but figured I would deal with it when it happened. I'm not worried about using a different dyelot because it would only be for a small fraction of the shawl. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find a ball of KSH in Majestic within thirty miles of my house. I miss Boston and its yarn stores aplenty. Actually, I just miss Boston:( I broke down today and ordered a ball from Webs. Hopefully I'll have the shawl ready to give to my mom this weekend. Might be doing a little hotel room blocking a la Jess.
In my quest for the precious ball of yarn, I've become disenchanted with my new LYS. Upon calling to see if they had the yarn in stock, I was informed that I would have to come in and look myself because there was too much for her to search through. Ummmm, how's that for stellar customer service? Even worse, don't these people keep some sort of inventory? Do they just order more yarn when the cubbies start to look empty? I did go in because this store is too convenient to overlook (it's two blocks from my house). The owner saw me digging through the KSH and asked if I was the girl she spoke with on the phone. So not only was I snubbed on the phone, but by the owner! When I found they didn't have the yarn and after I had mentioned I ran out of yarn towards the end of my project, she suggested a yarn from a different company. I'm weary enough using the same yarn in the same color in a different dye lot, I can't even fathom using a different yarn altogether. I don't know if I'm just being whiny because I'm still yarnless, but I'm used to helpful yarn stores that offer sage advice and viable solutions. If anything, I feel less guilty about buying yarn online now.
Luckily, I got this in the mail yesterday to take some of the pain away. It's the latest BMFA Sock Club shipment and my favorite so far! Look at the argyle-like designs!

Look for some FOs soon!
good luck with the marathon!
And I can't believe you ran out of yarn when you were so close to the finish line. :(
The new STR kit color looks great - one of the better ones so far!
Good luck in the marathon - that is a HUGE accomplishment to even go!
Good luck in the marathon! We'll be rooting for you from Maine!!