Demi: back, front, and the start of some sleeves
I'm about 10 rows from finishing the sleeves, which I am putting off by writing this post and trying to muster up something to make for dinner (I'm leaning towards raspberry pancakes).
Me, cozied up with some Demi sleeves
Oh, and did I mention our basement flooded? Only a few inches and we've been diligent about only letting rubbermaid bins touch the ground, so nothing was damaged. But still! This was our very first drama as homeowners. I came home early to "protect" the house, but still ended up calling J in a panic and making him come home.
Anyway, Demi! I'm knitting the sleeves at the same time because I'm a glutton for punishment. Or maybe just because I can't handle the responsibility of maintaining symmetry on the second sleeve, so I have to knit them simultaneously. Now that I'm almost done, of course I'm glad I knit them together.
Once the sleeves are complete (later tonight. there, now I have to finish.), alls I got left is the little ribby top of sleeve doohicky, seaming (which I'm eagerly anticipating. I had the forethought to slip the last stitch of every other row, so seaming should be a breeze. okay, I just jinxed myself), and then the collar. I will have Demi done by the weekend! Woo hoo!
A couple notes:
I'm sticking with a bigger (normal) sized font.
I finally figured out how to use Haloscan!